Labrugeira and its Wines
The wines from the northern part of the municipality of Alenquer have been mentioned in several writings over the centuries for their quality and because they were wines of choice to serve the Portuguese Royal House and other distinct houses. However, it was only in the 19th century that Camilo Castelo Branco, in his book “The Regicide’s Daughter”, page 131, wrote: “… and going through the windmills, through the valley of the Anunciada to Andaluzes, it's so beautiful, especially if a man threw the grappling hook into the squint-eyed tavern keeper´s tavern and with two ram's hands, swallowed two good gulps of Labrugeira wine. These are my Sunday outings”.
This proves that the Labrugeira wines have always been recognised and appreciated. However, it was only in 1973 that a group of 85 winemakers from northern Alenquer got together in the village of Labrugeira and formed a joint winery – thr Adega Cooperativa da Labrugeira. A big step was thus taken towards enhancing the grapes' excellent quality and leading to the production of great wines in the region. Slowly but surely, new members joined – owners of vineyards in the northern part of the municipality of Alenquer, in the southern and western foothills of the Montejunto mountain range, with an area of influence that covers the parishes of Ventosa, Olhalvo, Cabanas de Torres and Abrigada and Vila Verde dos Francos.
This region of semi slopes, with clay-calcareous terrains and protected from the maritime climate of the west coast by the mountain ranges of Vila Verde dos Francos and S. Julião, produces excellent red and white wines with good structure and an above average alcohol content. Since its foundation until today, the Adega has been awarded hundreds of national and international prizes and distinctions, namely, in 1990, when it was distinguished with the 1st Prize in the National Wine Competition of the Junta Nacional do Vinho for the 1990 red wine harvest. This competition only awarded prizes to three red and three white wines nationally. Since then, the winery has won hundreds of gold, silver and bronze medals in national and international competitions, namely in the Lisbon Wine Competition, the Crédito Agrícola Competition, the National Wine Festival Competition, and the Viniportugal Competitions. In 2020, it won a gold medal at the Vinalies Internationales - “Concours des Enologues de France” with the wine “Velharia Reserve 2014”.
Adega da Labrugeira currently markets a wide range of bottled and packaged wines, whites, reds, rosés, light wines, marc brandies and sparkling wine with the Lisbon Regional Certification (PGI) and the Alenquer PDO certification. Distribution is carried out in the Portuguese market, the European market and through exports to Third Countries. Its annual production totals around 4 million litres.
Commercial and Financial Director: Dr. José Afonso N. Carneiro Santos
Oenologist: Ricardo Noronha
Sales: Francisco Calçada