Adega Coop.da Labrugeira, CRL.
Rua Comendador António MáximoL. Carvalho 2 | Labrugeira2580-405 Ventosa - Alenquer - PORTUGALTel.: (00351) 263 770 907(call to the national fixed network)Telm.: (00351) 918 216 205(call to the national mobile network)
Commercial AreaSales
NATIONALFrancisco Calçada
Telm.: (00351) 910 237 110(call to the national mobile network)
EXPORTACIONJosé Afonso Santos
Telm.: (00351) 917 897 175(call to the national mobile network)
Administrative andFinancial Area
José Afonso N. Carneiro Santos
OenologistRicardo Noronha